Unified School District #377 Board of Education
** Jr/Sr High School BAND ROOM**
908 Tiger Rd, Effingham, KS 66023
(913) 833-5050 / FAX (913) 833-4210 / www.usd377.org
BEST Students, BEST Staff, BEST Schools!!!
Wednesday January 13, 2021
Regular Session – 6:30 P.M.
(A) – Action Item(s) (D) – Discussion Item
1.01 Call the meeting to order
1.02 Approval of the agenda
Action Needed: To Approve the Agenda as presented or amended
Speakers are encouraged to register by calling the Clerk of the Board at (913) 833‐5050 by 2:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Speakers may also register at the BOE meeting site, prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Hearing of Audience Rules:
Other Notes
The Board President shall be responsible for recognizing any speaker, maintaining proper order, and adhering to the set time limit. The President may interrupt or terminate an individual’s statement if it is disruptive, not germane to the business or activities of the Board, or in violation of Kansas Statutes regarding meetings or activities of the Board.
The Board President may deny any individual speaking privileges if previous conduct of the individual has indicated that the orderly conduct of a meeting may be threatened by that person’s appearance. The President has the option to stop the proceedings and poll the Board to determine if a speaker may continue.
During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal attacks, or rude or defamatory remarks of any kind about any employee or student of the School District or any person connected with the School District. The Board will also not accept public comments containing vulgar or obscene language. Any individual wishing to make a complaint about school personnel shall submit the complaint in writing to the Superintendent. If the complaint involves the Superintendent it shall be submitted in writing to the President of the Board.
3.0 Election of Officers
Notes - State Statute requiries that Boards elect officers at the first meeting after the second Monday in January each year, or a meeting at a later date during the calendar year.
Purpose: The Board will elect the 2021 President as outlined by Kansas Statute 72-1133. Lori Lanter served as President in 2020.
Notes - It takes four favorable votes to elect a president. If the board is unable to elect a president, they should elect a vice president. If a vice president is elected, that person will preside until a president has been elected. If the board is unable to elect a president and a vice president, KASB recommends assigning a pro tempore president each meeting, starting alphabetically.
Recommendation: To nominate and elect the 2021 Board of Education President.
Purpose: The Board will elect the 2021 Vice-President as outlined by Kansas Statute 72-1133. Barb Chapman served as Vice-President in 2020.
Recommendation: To nominate and elect the 2021 Board of Education Vice-President.
Holton Recorder All-Area Football Team
5.01 Approval of Minutes from December 9, 2020
5.02 Approval of Financials
5.0201 Activity Reports, Bills & Claims
5.0202 Treasurer's Report
5.03 Acceptance of Keystone Correspondences
5.0301 Keystone BOD Minutes from 12/16/2019 (unofficial)
5.0302 Keystone Superintendents mtg minutes 12/09/2020
5.0303 December Keystone Newsletter
5.04 Acceptance of the ACCS Ed Foundation Minutes from 11/9/2020
5.05 Acceptance of Personnel Report
5.06 Acceptance of the 2021 Board member appointments/assignments
5.07 Approval of the Resolution 2020-01 Establish Board meeting Dates & Times
RECOMMENDED ACTION: To Approve the Consent Agenda as Presented.
6.01 Board Clerk
6.02 Administrative Reports
6.03 Superintendent’s Report
6.04 Keystone Report
7.0 Old Business
7.01 ReOpening Plan Review
Winter Sports Activity Attendance Criteria
Recommendation: To allow attendance restrictions to be adjusted as recommended by the Atchison County Health Department.
8.0 New Business
8.01 KASB Policy Updates (D)
Purpose: KASB periodically recommends updates or additions to our policy handbook.
Background: As part of our membership to KASB, twice a year they provide recommendations for updates to existing policies or new policies based off of legislation or recent case law. This is the first reading for these policies and action should not be taken.
Supporting Documents: December 2020 Policy Updates
Recommendation: First reading only, no action at this time.
9.0 Executive Session (If Needed)
9.01 Executive Session – Personnel (A) (If needed)
Recommendation (30 minutes): Move to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel matters pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA, and the open meeting will resume in the boardroom at_______.
10.0 Action following Executive Session
10.01 Other
10.02 Adjourn